Sunday, March 30, 2014
30/31 SoL
We were at the mall sitting in the lounge area with our fro-yo. All of the sudden I see Julia with waving arms looking up. I follow her eyes up and I see Sarah and Hailey. We get there attention and go window shopping with them until they had to leave. It was so fun. Then Julia and I went back to her house and we played monopoly until we craved to go outside and play basketball.....Continued on the last SOL.......
31/31 SOL!!!
Basketball is a sport that I share with my friends. It is fun, exciting, exhilarating, and there can be many laughs involved. In the winter it is what I look forward to other than sledding of course. Even when you have to walk from the school to the gym wearing only shorts and your jersey, it is so worth it to be able to play basketball. I have played since I was either four or five and have played and loved it ever since.
This is a video Julia and I made
Sorry for the clarity
Saturday, March 29, 2014
SOL 29/31
I woke up with the sun shining brighter than any lights in my face. Then as the day progressed on the clouds became more and more visible. Eventually they were dark and the covered the whole sky so that not even the sun could peek through. I was outside when it started to rain. Light at first but then after hard almost turning into hail. A strike of lightning and clap of thunder. Rain.
Friday, March 28, 2014
SOL 28/31 Max and Kam's Class
You may look at this number and think oh your sweet sixteen party or some math thing. But I think of it as very lucky. I have tried to get this number every year or season the I can, because I do not know what it is, but every year or season when I got that number I would play really well and even something great would happen. But on the other hand when I did not get the number bad things would happen. So to you it might just be a number, but to me it way more than that.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
SOL 27/31 Max and Kam's Class
Laying down with our eyes wandering over the edge. Tiny people, cars, and buildings. It a beautiful sight with mountains and hills surrounding one area. We get up and start the long walk down from the all the way top. It takes what probably was a while, but it goes by quickly because we talk the whole way down and it is really fun.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
SOL 26/31 Max and Kam's Class
We ran into the freezing water not looking back. Wind blowing in our faces and down out backs. Going back and forth between the water and the sand. Eventually we saw huge rocks that seemed to have an opening between them. We run over and explore finding our own little private beach and pool from the water that washed up. we stayed for a while but then the wind began to pick up going faster and faster. All of the sudden with our backs turned to the wind a thousand needles stabbing us everywhere. Trying the run back to the place where every one else was, we were dragged in the opposite direction. Finding rocks to cover us from the hurdling sand, we have to find a different path to get back. The thousand needles. Hurdling sand.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
SOL 25/31 Max and Kam's Class
This week I read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn written by Betty Smith. This book is the first in a series of five. It is about a girl named Francie who is eleven years old. She lives in poverty with a very alcoholic father. She loves to read and gives her an escape from where and how she is living. This book was really well written and I really liked it. I now want to read the others in that series. Overall it was a really really good book and I would definitely recommend it.
Monday, March 24, 2014
SOL 24/31 Max and Kam's Class
You may have noticed that a lot of my slices are about Julia Buendal. Well that is because there are so many memories that have happened between us. So many inside jokes, priceless moments and many more to come. Most people do not understand. I have known her since kindergarten and for seven and a half years we have spent an amazing time creating those special moments, including multiple recesses spent deeply discussing our favorite TV shows. There are also those little things that we do that kill the people around us but to us bring up so many memories. So yes a lot of my slices are about her and my times with her, but that is not going to change because there are so many more memories to come and they will keep coming forever.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
SOL 23/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
Running down faster than when it runs up. Leaking out in a quick steady stream. There is no true way to stop it. It will always happen. Oh look eleven percent left of it. Now ten percent from two seconds. It will always just keep coming down the hill until you give it the fuel to go up.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
SOLSC 22/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
Up and down and up and down over what seems like a thousand hills. I am not looking forward to the way back down. We finally arrive at a small building and head inside. there are puppies everywhere. We tell the front lady who we are and two puppies are brought out. One of them is pure white and the other dark tan, but they were both adorable. We pick the dark tan one and take her home. After a few days of contemplation we decide on the name Stella.
Friday, March 21, 2014
SOLSC 21/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
We finished eating and headed through the stores picking out different items and spending all of our money. Walking from store to store stopping for Tevanna samples and many food stops. Making sure to stay clear of a certain store, we make great purchases including a heaping load of candy, gum, and a lot of other stuff. This was one of Ms. Buendal and I usual trips to the mall. Most people think that what girls do at the mall is shop for clothes and come back with bags piling there arms, but I know that our trips are mostly full of eating and only two or three bags that barley ever have a single piece of clothing in them. So in my opinion it is pretty stereotypical. Overall it was really fun and we had a great time
Thursday, March 20, 2014
SOLSC 20/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
We were all in a jeep in the jungle. For some reason we had to leave out phones at the beginning of the trail. We travel down the trail pointing out different animals and trees. A group of girls were huddled in a circle with a bug on one of their hands. They won't show it to our guide. After a while the girls hand has come off because of the bug. Then we go to this river and take off our shoes about to get in when I hear one of our shows ringing very loud. It turns out the Ms. Buendal is just face timing me.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
SOLSC 19/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
It is one of those things that you either love it or you hate it. To me there is not in between or "like it." This thing is soccer. I have seen both sides from many people but that could never change my decision about it. I will always love the sport even if I am not playing it. During our off season I spend most of the time dreaming how when the season starts again and I can get those grass stains and bruises. They may seem like something that you would not want to get, but it tells me that I play hard. The acceleration of running down the filed while dribbling the ball. The other part I love is when I can play soccer with my friends. Either with them or against them it is the best and most fun feeling in the world. I wish that feeling could be bottled because everyone should be able to feel this.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
SOLSC 18/31 MAx adn Kam's classroom
This week I read Beta written by Rachel Cohn. It starts out with a genetically engineered sixteen year-old girl named Elysia. She is the first teen beta ever created. She is put into a store to be bought. She is bought by the family of the Governor. She is there for company in replace of there old daughter who left to go to an university. But after a while she starts to get memories, starts to taste, adn starts to feel. Everything opposite than what a beta should be. Many other big events happen, but I would not want to spoil it. Overall this was a really good book that I loved.
Monday, March 17, 2014
SOLSC 17/31 Max and Kam's Classroomq
A paint brush is so different from the pen or pencil or any marker. It can change any color. It is not forced to be one color and it never has to be bland. Also it can make any shape or pattern with a smooth silky stroke. The is not fuss with having to carry multiple pens or markers just to get different color. With a paint brush you only have to carry a single tray of paint with any colors that you want. Lastly a paintbrush will never dry out, as long as you wash it off it can last a lifetime
Sunday, March 16, 2014
SOLSC 16/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
Im right behind her with a green shell at hand. I sneak behind her a launch it. Right before the finish line and I get into first lace and win the game. Our regular order:
Mushroom Gorge
Koopa Cape
Coconut Mall
Rainbow Road
Yoshi Falls
Mario Cart has taught Julia and I that we are going to be great drivers.
Mushroom Gorge
Koopa Cape
Coconut Mall
Rainbow Road
Yoshi Falls
Mario Cart has taught Julia and I that we are going to be great drivers.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
SOLSC 15/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
"..........AND WAYS TO SAY YOU DIIIIEEEEDDDDD!!!!!!!!!" We finish the song at the top of our lungs for the 35th time. The song of our fall trip to South Dakota was "50 Ways to say Goodbye" written by Train. I know that we sang it at least more than 50 times. That is one thing that always happens on Logan trips. That one song that plays over and over. This year on the fall trip it was the "Therapist song and the Lumberjack song."
Friday, March 14, 2014
SOLSC 14/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
Juya Michele Obama Chavez Venezuela Johnson Gosliee Pods Fort Collins Klein Buendal and I are going to get fat from Heaven in a box. This box makes you choose heaven or that other place. We choose heaven. In case you are confused fruity in heaven and coco is that other place. We ate a lot of Fruity pebbles and so in conclusion we will become fat.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
SOLSC 13/31 Max ad Kam's Classroom
I stand in a dark room with four sides, and there is no way out. Then they turn into mirrors and smash into a million pieces. I am in another room, with no walls just a long infinite stretch. I run everywhere for so long, but all of a sudden I find a knife and I stab the floor. The floor breaks open and I drop for what seems like hours. I splash into water, it is pitch black. There is not up, there is no down. So all I can do is sink deeper and deeper until I am no longer awake. Sinking deeper and deeper. I never breathe again, yet I am still alive. I fall back asleep to a noise, then wake up to my alarm clock.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
SOLSC 12/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
I sit in the library catching bits of conversations. A laugh, a voice calling for somebody, and quiet whispers everywhere. Surrounding me. It is so loud yet so quite. Everyone tries to whisper, but all at once they are loud. Words are everywhere, mostly because I am around books and people, but they are every where swallowing me whole.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
SOLSC 11/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
Tear off another piece of tape. Stick it on. Grab another. Get strange looks. and repeat.
Julia and I spent a day pretending to be the silent twins mystery. We would not talk to anybody other than each other and our younger sister Rosie (Avery). We used tape over our mouths to make sure that we could not talk. Rosie was able to talk to other people, so she helped explain. We wrote on the board. Most people were confused and their reactions were interesting and amusing.
Monday, March 10, 2014
SOLSC 10/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
This week I read Cinder written by Marissa Meyer. This book is pretty much a cinderella story, but it is really futuristic and robotic you could say. Also it has different parts about it that make it unique. It is about a cyborg named Cinder who is blamed for her stepsisters illness. Then she becomes involved with the prince. She has to uncover her past to save the future of her world.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
SOLSC 9/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
Colfax did not want to live. He started out a bright vibrant shade of red and purple, but by the time I got him he was black and gray and scary so we named him Colfax. He did not leave over a weekend without food, even though He was supposed to live for two weeks without food. But he did not want to live and that was the end of his life. Colfax was a fish.
R.I.P. Colfax
Saturday, March 8, 2014
SOLSC 8/31 Max and Kams' Classroom
One step.
Two steps.
Three steps.
Head on.
No sign of backing down.
Then a foot, even less than that,
the elephant turns and walks past.
What started as panic turned into peace.
Friday, March 7, 2014
SOLSC 7/31 Max and Kam's Classroom

and 1.45 seconds for the bullet to hit the target.
That is 1.75 seconds to kill somebody.
Sandy Hook- Newtown, CT: 27
Columbine high school- Columbine, CO: 13
Arapahoe high school- Arapahoe: 1
Morey Junior high- Denver, CO: 1
There have been about 376 school shootings in the U.S. since the earliest known school shooting in 1760. Some of them barely anybody heard about them, but they still happened.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
SOLSC 6/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
Slice of Life #6
I had met her in preschool, but we were so young that we barely could remember it, but then I met her again when I came to Logan. She was the person who I shadowed, then when I came officially we became really great friends. This girl was Avery.
I had met her in preschool, but we were so young that we barely could remember it, but then I met her again when I came to Logan. She was the person who I shadowed, then when I came officially we became really great friends. This girl was Avery.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
SOLSC 5/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
In Hawaii next to the pool I look around. My sister stands next to me. Across the pool are two girls are age. We walk over and the connection is imediatally. We learn that they live in New Jersey. The girl my age is named Alexa. We hangout with them all the way through the trip, and then once we have to leave we make sure that we will always stay in touch. We have gone on the two biggest trips with them and we are still in touch with them.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
SOLSC 4/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
This week I read Across the Universe written by Beth Revis. I loved this book so much. It's about a girl named Amy who is "frozen" and put on a spaceship to arrive at a new earth 300 years from when she is "frozen." But 50 years before they are supposed to get to earth she gets unplugged and very bad things start to happen. I loved this book very much. It switches back and forth from the two main characters, but it does it really well. Overall this was an amazing book.
Monday, March 3, 2014
SOLSC 3/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
Slice #3
Because in Santorini, Greece you just have to ride a donkey….
More than a thousand stairs leading up to the actual city and there is no way that we are going to walk up it. Instead we ride donkeys all the way up. The "guide" starts to put people on random donkeys, and once everyone is on we start the long journey. Its a pretty bumpy ride, but overall it was really fun.
Because in Santorini, Greece you just have to ride a donkey….
More than a thousand stairs leading up to the actual city and there is no way that we are going to walk up it. Instead we ride donkeys all the way up. The "guide" starts to put people on random donkeys, and once everyone is on we start the long journey. Its a pretty bumpy ride, but overall it was really fun.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
SOLSC 2/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
Slice of Life #2
The anxiety, the heartbeat that feels so stronger you think that everyone can hear it, and the screaming and cheering. The same when you are on the bench and the court/field. This is why I love to play sports. All of the adrenalin when you are racing down the court or field with the ball and then you shoot and score. It is one of the best feelings in the world. When you lose after all of the hard work you feel disappointed and heavy as you drag your feet, but when you win the game you do not even care about all of the grass stains or the bruises. All that matters is the glowing feeling of victory.
The anxiety, the heartbeat that feels so stronger you think that everyone can hear it, and the screaming and cheering. The same when you are on the bench and the court/field. This is why I love to play sports. All of the adrenalin when you are racing down the court or field with the ball and then you shoot and score. It is one of the best feelings in the world. When you lose after all of the hard work you feel disappointed and heavy as you drag your feet, but when you win the game you do not even care about all of the grass stains or the bruises. All that matters is the glowing feeling of victory.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
SOLSC 1/31 Max and Kam's Classroom
Slice of Life #1
On the first day of kindergarten I was wearing a pink shirt and two very high pigtails. When we walked into the big colorful classroom we were told to sit in a circle around a big rug. At first i was nervous but as I adjusted it was really fun. I sat down in the back and surveyed the other kids. All were different and I liked that. I knew that I could make friends there. Later in the afternoon after lunch I went to the bathroom and I had the following conversation with someone who at that time was a stranger. We had the following conversation:
H: "Is there anyone in here?"I asked.
?: "Uh..." in a small voice.
?: "Hi" the voice got louder.
H: " What's your name?"
?: "Julia"said the voice getting becoming clear.
H:"Hi I'm Haley."
I had not even seen her face but I knew that this girl would be my best friend.
Those are not even half of the details, but that day I met Julia, a girl who I have been friends with for seven and a half years and counting. We have been to the moon and back with each other and have so many memories including being kicked out of the "big girl" bathroom in kindergarten coincidentally. She was one of my first friend that I made at Steck and I would not be alive with out her.
On the first day of kindergarten I was wearing a pink shirt and two very high pigtails. When we walked into the big colorful classroom we were told to sit in a circle around a big rug. At first i was nervous but as I adjusted it was really fun. I sat down in the back and surveyed the other kids. All were different and I liked that. I knew that I could make friends there. Later in the afternoon after lunch I went to the bathroom and I had the following conversation with someone who at that time was a stranger. We had the following conversation:
H: "Is there anyone in here?"I asked.
?: "Uh..." in a small voice.
?: "Hi" the voice got louder.
H: " What's your name?"
?: "Julia"said the voice getting becoming clear.
H:"Hi I'm Haley."
I had not even seen her face but I knew that this girl would be my best friend.
Those are not even half of the details, but that day I met Julia, a girl who I have been friends with for seven and a half years and counting. We have been to the moon and back with each other and have so many memories including being kicked out of the "big girl" bathroom in kindergarten coincidentally. She was one of my first friend that I made at Steck and I would not be alive with out her.
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