Tuesday, May 26, 2015
This week I read Manhunt written by James L. Swanson. This book was about the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and everything that had to do with it, including the plan, the assassination, and the dream Lincoln had before.This book was so interesting and it could be one of my favorite books. It was super cool to read about everything involved, and I never was not interested in reading it. Overall this was such an amazing book, and I would definitely recommend it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
We walk along the thick sand, trying not the fall. We dodge the chasing waves from touching our feet. The sun starts to dip beneath the sea and clouds. The sky streaks with color. We get to the end of the beach and watch as the sun finally disappears. The sand sticks to our feet and it falls out of our hair with each step. We walk back and by the time we get to the sea wall, it is dark. We wash off the sand, but we still find more weeks later.
Monday, May 18, 2015
The Edge of Nowhere
This week I read The Edge of Nowhere written by Elizabeth George. This book is a fiction book about a girl named Becca King. Becca goes to live with her mom's friends while her mom takes care of something. Her world is totally changed and she has to face a lot of obstacles. This book is a really good mystery, that will make you think. I thought that this book was really good. It had a really interesting story and I was constantly interested, and it was hard for me to put down the book. I think that all of the characters were really believable and not cheesy or predictable. Overall I thought that this book was really good and I would definitely recommend it.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Water for Elephants
This week I read Water for Elephants written by Sara Gruen. This book is about guy named Jacob. The story is told from two different times, but both from the same perspective of Jacob. The first is when he is a young man and works at a circus. During this time he witnesses a murder. The second time is when he is an older man and is living in a nursing home. I really liked this book, I thought it was really well written and had a lot of detail. Overall think that this would be a really good book for really anybody.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Poetry for around logan
The Field Rush
Ollie Ollie!
Our eyes lock
and our hearts start to pound
we see them coming like a stampede
the worry of getting trampled runs through out minds
we run as fast as our legs can handle
getting trapped at the door
trying to move on the staircase
you had to be fast to survive
then we became apart of it
The dark clouds challenge each other
they twist and turn
the funnel emerges
crawling towards the ground
so close, it can almost reach it
the alarm going off
the sound of 200 feet pounding
sitting down, squished against each other
complete silence
waiting for it to be over
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
There once was a sunny blue sky
but then it started to cry
it got all upset
and everything wet
and all people wanted was to be dry
There once was a bowl of ice cream
who started to violently scream
it started to drip
and quivered its lip
oh how the they'd been so mean
There once was a long road of hill
The road made our stomach kill
We drove to get the dog
that would end up on this blog
I think we went passed a mill
There once was a sunny blue sky
but then it started to cry
it got all upset
and everything wet
and all people wanted was to be dry
There once was a bowl of ice cream
who started to violently scream
it started to drip
and quivered its lip
oh how the they'd been so mean
There once was a long road of hill
The road made our stomach kill
We drove to get the dog
that would end up on this blog
I think we went passed a mill
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Cardboard Boxes
The strong wafting smell of cardboard boxes and acrylic paint
Throwing box on top of box until our muscles give out
Telling the secrets we all wondered about
Laughing until our stomachs hurt
The whole day spent undisturbed by everyone
Just the tree of us
The overflow room
Throwing box on top of box until our muscles give out
Telling the secrets we all wondered about
Laughing until our stomachs hurt
The whole day spent undisturbed by everyone
Just the tree of us
The overflow room
Monday, April 20, 2015
Dear Bully
This week I read Dear Bully written by Megan Kelly Hall and Carrie Jones. This book is about 70 people telling their experiences with bullying. It tells all of the different point of views, victim, bully, and by standers. This book was really good and it was really interesting. I never was not interested in the book. Overall this book was really good and I would definitely recommend it.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
The first impact
the people below screaming
yelling, crying, running
families searching for their loved ones
parts of the building flying onto the streets
the pounding in my head
sirens, chaos
people trying to run away from the burning building
the second impact
the shock
twice the chaos, twice the families, twice the deaths
burning down buildings
the ash filling lunges
The two buildings that used to stand tall
torn apart
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Ode to Traveling
Ode to Traveling
Rolling suitcases up the elevators
Watching bags go through security
Stepping through the gate to get on the plane
The moment of taking off
When your stomach feels like it is inside out
Flying above the clouds
but not feeling like your moving
the small ding of the seat belt
telling you that you are free
Then the final descent and seeing the first glimpse
Getting off the plane and experiencing the blow of different weather
Looking at the difference
between where you came from and the place
The smells, all different from each other
Exploring new streets and cities
Tasting new foods
all different flavors
Totally different scenarios
from unlike anything you have ever seen
Traveling, Living, and Experiencing the world
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Haiku Poems
The waves crashing down
Remind me of the storm
The sunshine is gone
Together they lay
The two different colors
Only touched my one
Running down the field
Waiting for the pass to come
Straight into the goal
Remind me of the storm
The sunshine is gone
Together they lay
The two different colors
Only touched my one
Running down the field
Waiting for the pass to come
Straight into the goal
Monday, April 13, 2015
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
Hannah Baker committed suicide. Clay Jensen gets a box full of old cassette tapes from Hannah. On these tapes she tells the thirteen reasons of why she swallowed the pills that killed her. Each person on the tapes must past to the next person. The book goes through the story of Clay's reaction to the tapes. This book was fiction and really well written. It is a really interesting book because there is always something new and a twist even if you do not know the people. Overall I would definitely recommend this book.
TBR: The Martian
TBR: The Martian
Monday, April 6, 2015
The doorbell rings and we run downstairs. We open the door and after we grab the tent. Just like Logan taught us we take out the stakes, poles, and lay out the tent. The poles lay across and we hook everything onto them. It is beginning to look like a real tent, but getting the stakes into the ground is difficult. The ground is hard and there is nothing to bang them in with, so we have to put our whole body weight into it. When everything is finished we go biking to the park and come back just before the sun starts to go down. While dinner is cooked, we set up the tent with sleeping bags, blankets, jackets, games, and enough food to last us days. For dinner we eat hobo stew and set out candles to eat in the dark. Then the classic smores. We pile into the tent and begin to play games. After we have eaten until we cannot sit up we turn out the flashlights and have the classic game of truth or dare, then just talk. People leave the tent to do a quick, just to make sure. Thats when I heard a scream.
Over the week before spring break and the week of spring break I finally read the book Outliers written by Malcolm Gladwell. This book is non-fiction and Malcolm Gladwell tells about some of the reasons of people success. For example he talks about how being born in a certain month or year can affect a persons success. This book was so interesting, normally I do not like non-fiction book because they are sometimes boring and confusing. I think that this book was the total opposite. I was intrigued to read throughout the whole book and I wanted to constantly read more of it. Overall this book was amazing and I would definitely recommend it.
To Be Read List: The Martian
To Be Read List: The Martian
Monday, March 30, 2015
31 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Umm, Can you not?
Peanut butter. A food paste made from dry roasted peanuts that originated by the Aztecs. The smell of peanut butter makes me think of peanut butter play dough. A homemade, moldable, and edible dough perfect for kids of all age. One day Julia and I decided to make some peanut butter play dough, also that day we did a series of challenges that have nothing to do with this story. Anyways we spent the day trying different recipes and eating more of it then humanly possible. It was an extremely fun day and also involved somebody being pantsed on video. Now to this day the smell of peanuts or peanut butter brings up all of the good and bad moments of that day.
For the slice of life challenge Julia and I have been naming our blog three different things. Crossed toes; Yes, Ronaldo, Yes; and Umm, Can you not? These things are either something we just started saying one say and have either a really funny memory attached to it or some weird thing that people do.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
30 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Umm, Can you not?
The dirt road makes the ride difficult. Dust and dirt flies around us filling our lunges. We pass houses will children playing around it. They have smiles stretched across their faces. We drive along a fence with signs. Taking a turn we drive down a path and giraffes walk through the road. Before we even get into the place we see tons of animals.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
29 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Umm, can you not?
I stare at my computer screen and that's when it comes. Compressing my brain. I try to make my thoughts blank, and not think about what is happening. The feeling of my skull caving in. The world spinning. I go down to get some water and ice but after drinking the glass twice nothing has changed. Sitting down, nothing works. Eventually just sleeping and everything goes away.
28 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes

Thursday, March 26, 2015
27 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes
We take to boat out into the middle and that's when we first see them. Sparkling with water splashing around them. We follow the two stray until we find the large group. Grabbing our gear we jump into the violent navy blue waters to see them. Underneath the surface they are only a few feet below, and everything stops. The family connections and easily seen and the way they glide through the water is beautiful. But that is just happening underwater, above, everything is different. The waves that used to be small now tower over and crash on top of us. The group that used to be together is now spread out with people as much as 50 feet away from each other. People scream. It is difficult to breath and stay above the water, not to mention the water filling our tubes. The only way to make it stop is to put our heads back underwater and watch the dolphins dance.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
26 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes
The day before had been sunny and almost too hot, but the next day everybody woke up to dark grumbling skies. They had begun to swirl around each other, one was rain, and the other snow. Neither of them were going to take over each other, to the battle took place, resulting in a mixture of thick large clumps of snow rain. It pounded down and make it not able for the familiar mountains to be seen beneath the white sheet of the mixture. It was off and on all day but it eventually stopped and the sun showed its face again, melting everything the storm had done.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
25 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Crossed Toes
On many fall Logan School overnights it is expected to go camping. To a lot of people the sound of camping sounds awful. Carrying everything up and down hills, trying to take off shoes before going into the tent, tracking mud into the tent, trying to find stuff when it is pitch black, and much more. But we never realize that some people will never get the chance to experience camping and everything that comes along with it. There are so many memories made from camping. For example, spending time in a tent as the rain pours down, sitting around the campfire telling stories, playing games, and more, waking up to the sound of the whistling kettle letting everybody know that it will be a hot breakfast with warm drinks, and even more. Even though not everybody loves to camp, a lot of people do not get the chance to even try it, so looking at the positive side and enjoy every moment.
24 March, Slice of Life Challenge, book blog - Crossed Toes
This week I read Reckoning written by Jeanine Frost. This book is about a couple of serial killers who live in New Orleans and plan to wreck havoc during Mardi Gras. The task of stopping them is put to a hit man. This book was really interesting and I continually wanted to read it. Also I think that is was really well written and pretty easy to follow. Overall I really liked this book, it was not at all cheesy and I would definitely recommend it.
Monday, March 23, 2015
23 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Crossed Toes

Saturday, March 21, 2015
22 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Umm, Can you not
Sports. That word makes people think and feel all different things. Many people do not like them, and it is not their thing. But for the people that do play sports they know all about the fervid feeling. When I think of the word sports so many things appear in my mind. Feelings and memories are the biggest things. The memories of winning, losing, and teammates. The moments when you run off the field, dripping with sweat, and feeling the best you have ever felt. The games that you have played so hard it hurts to move the next day. Another important thing is emotions. These emotions are the things that drive you to play as hard and all out. Lastly is the fun involved. You do not have to be a professional to have fun with what ever sport.
Friday, March 20, 2015
21 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Umm, Can You Not?
The lights flicker and go black. Almost everybody looks up startled, and some people even cry out. The power has gone out and will not be back on for a couple of hours. We spends the day walking around in the dark and sunlight. In many places the sunlight lights it all and there is no need for lights. In others, especially the smaller hallways, it is almost completely dark. We stubble up the dark hallways until we can see the light.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
20 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Umm, Can you not?
Everybody rushes out of the the two doors from the cafeteria. It is like a giant heard and we have to fight our way through it. We head to the playground to do something. The monkey bars seem small and short, so unlike they were four years before. We set everything up and it is time. 3.....2......1....... Blackout.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
19 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes
The clouds darken out my window. I try to do my homework, but outside draws my attention. The weather has said it has been going to rain for days, but it never has. The neighbors house looks the same. The multi-colored roof, brick house, green lining, and creepy dolls in the window. I look back to the mountain of homework and before I realize it the first raindrop falls. A large and thick drop splashes on our roof, like a tear from the sky. The rest of the drops come until it is a full down poor.
18 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes
We jump into the car to go get stuff from Target. The car seat burns us because of the sun. The ride is not that long, and it goes by quickly. We go to make the turn into the area where Target, Payless, Sports Authority, and a few other stores. We have to wait for a large delivery truck to pull out of the Payless parking lot. It starts to turn, but not enough. Thats when it hits us.
Monday, March 16, 2015
17 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes
This week I read The Killing Woods written by Lucy Christopher. This book is about a girl named Emily Shepard. Her dad is solider suffering from PTSD. He is found carrying Ashlee Parker's dead body out of the woods. Nobody knows the real story, but Ashlee's boyfriend might have something to do with it. The perspective of this story switches between Emily and Ashlee's boyfriend, Damon. It shows what they both have to deal with and their struggles. Overall I loved this book, it was really interesting, and I did not want to put it down. It was not very confusing switching perspectives, because it picked off where the last person ended, it did not re-tell the story. I would definitely recommend this book to anybody.
To Be Read List : Outliers, The Martian, and The Kite Runner
To Be Read List : Outliers, The Martian, and The Kite Runner
Sunday, March 15, 2015
16 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Crossed Toes
The cubs sneak out from the tall grass out of nowhere. We stop the green jeep with the logo printed on the side. We practically hang out the sides with our cameras ready. The mother slides out of the grass behind them making sure that nobody gets left behind. The sun turns the savanna into and orange and pink color. We watch as they walk away with a bounce in their step. Everything is silent, it is a perfect end to the day.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
15 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Crossed Toes
The sky dims as we walk over. We reach the door and step inside. The whole bottom floor is closed because of leaks, so we cannot go swimming. We order pizza and eat it quickly. After we run outside onto the balcony. All we can see are the silhouettes of the tall evergreen trees and the lights from inside. It is cold but we have our jackets. We mess around out there and take pictures that have the memory woven in them.
Friday, March 13, 2015
14 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Umm, can you not?
The hallways fill with people of all heights. Groups of people block off entire sections. The singles try to get passed them, but there is no use, it will not work. The only chance for them is to take the closest stairway and stay away from the main one. This same routine happens everyday, many days more than once. People have tried to break the groups, but they just reform their lines stretching out, with layers.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
13 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Umm, can you not?
The song ends and somebody yells JUMP! A person from our table jumps up and half runs half walks to the counter. Food slides through the window and hands starts to grab aggressively. The first thing that comes back to our counter is a giant bowl of cereal, enough to feed many. Next comes milk, coffee cake, and a ginormous platter of fruit of all kinds. We all grab our share and begin eating. Delicious tastes swirl on our tongues as we inhale the food.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
12 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Umm, can you not?
The doors open for us and we run out to the gated play ground. In the area there is the normal playground equipment, but there is also an old castle painted a blue, purple, and gray color. The few of us that are brave run over to the castle and creak the door open. Cobwebs and spiders fill the corners. Every so often somebody runs out screaming. Nobody blames then, we were only in preschool. Today the castle has been torn down. Probably because the spiders infested and the walls rotted. It will always be something we remember, no matter how old we get.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
11 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes
The ride to get there is long and takes hours. The long ride has many turns. The scenery is covered with deep green evergreen trees. The trees fade away and the lights darken. The tunnel lights appear. After a while we reach the familiar turn leading straight down the road. Dirt avalanches around us as we drive through the archwayed gate. We have arrived.
Monday, March 9, 2015
10 March, Slice of Life Challenge Book Blog - Yes, Ronaldo,Yes
I read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn written by Betty Smith. This book is split into five different parts each set in a different year. It is based around the Tree of Heaven. This book follows a family of four. The book follows the family, mostly following the daughter, named Francie, through two decades of their lives.A lot of stuff happens and crisises. This book was really good, a lot happens, but it is really detailed and not very confusing. Overall I thought that this book was amazing and perfect for anybody.
TBR: Outliers, The Martian, and City of Bones
TBR: Outliers, The Martian, and City of Bones
Sunday, March 8, 2015
9 March, Slice of Life challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes

Saturday, March 7, 2015
8 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes
The waxy velvety petals swirl around each other. A deep red has taken over and green leaves hold each petal to the next. It has been six months exactly since this flower was still in its perfect state. Six months since we went to Iowa. Six months since we sat around telling our favorite stories of her. Six months.
photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/36330830531@N01/3638571014">40 red roses</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">(license)</a>
7 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes
The sun beats down on the snow covered mountain. We ride thee lift to the top of the mountain. The trees are covered in beads of all different colors from people throwing them off the lift. We reach the top and get off ready to go. Turning a corner we reach the first slope. We go.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
6 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes

Tuesday, March 3, 2015
5 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Yes, Ronaldo, Yes

Monday, March 2, 2015
4 March Slice of Life Challenge - Crossed Toes
Floors pass up as we continue to go higher. Finally we reach the seventh floor and we step out of the elevator and walk to the balcony looking over the inside of the whole hotels. The railing is lined with bronze. Our hands turn white from hanging onto the railings, that drop would be a long one. We run back to the elevator just as someone has pressed every floor. We start the journey down by get stuck one floor down just as somebody gets onto the elevator. Not waiting for them to notice that they have to stop at every floor we get out and wait for the next one. It takes a while until we get back to the room just to wait until somebody opens the door. Thats when the fun really begins.
3 March Slice of Life Challenge, Book Blog - Crossed Toes

TBR: Outliers, The Martian, Beautiful Darkness
Sunday, March 1, 2015
2 March Slice of Life Challenge - Crossed Toes

Friday, February 27, 2015
1 March Slice of Life Challenge - Crossed Toes

The sound of flapping wings fills our ears. We walk down the freshly damp pathway as 1,000 pairs of wings circle our heads. We places our feet carefully, looking out for the ones that land on the gravel. All different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they are all different in their own ways. The lush and artificial rain forest is their habitat, with many trees, leaves, steams, turtles, rocks, gravel, people, and flowers to land on and live off of. It is like a parade with a special choreographed dance, each with their own specific steps. Even though it is not the wild, it is still a incredible unique experience.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
The Wild Trees
My Book Choosing Process
When choosing a book I normally choose it by people recommending it and if I am interested in what it is about. If many people have read it and enjoyed it, then I will want to try reading it. Also if the book is not about something that I am interested in reading, I not going to be interested half way through the book. My book choosing process has stayed mostly the same since the beginning of the year.
Favorite Book
My favorite book that I have read this year is I am Malala written by Christina Lamb and Malala Yousafzai. Even though this book is non-fiction, it is really interesting and incredibly written
The Wild trees
Over Winter Collective I read the fiction book,The Wild Trees written by Richard Preston. This book is about the redwood trees on California's coast. They are over thirty-five stories high and a group of people decides to climb the trees at great risk. This book has a lot of suspense and adventure, making it interesting and intriguing all the way throughout. I thought that this book had a totally different plot then any book I have read before and it was written in a very unique way. Overall I think that this book was incredible and I would definitely recommend it.
Next Books:
Beautiful Creatures
The Martian
When choosing a book I normally choose it by people recommending it and if I am interested in what it is about. If many people have read it and enjoyed it, then I will want to try reading it. Also if the book is not about something that I am interested in reading, I not going to be interested half way through the book. My book choosing process has stayed mostly the same since the beginning of the year.
Favorite Book
My favorite book that I have read this year is I am Malala written by Christina Lamb and Malala Yousafzai. Even though this book is non-fiction, it is really interesting and incredibly written
The Wild trees
Over Winter Collective I read the fiction book,The Wild Trees written by Richard Preston. This book is about the redwood trees on California's coast. They are over thirty-five stories high and a group of people decides to climb the trees at great risk. This book has a lot of suspense and adventure, making it interesting and intriguing all the way throughout. I thought that this book had a totally different plot then any book I have read before and it was written in a very unique way. Overall I think that this book was incredible and I would definitely recommend it.
Next Books:
Beautiful Creatures
The Martian
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Out of the Easy
I read Out of the Easy written by Ruta Sepetys. This book is fiction and takes place in the 1950s. Josie and her mother move to New Orleans and her mother becomes a prostitute. Josie goes to work at a book store where she deals with being a prostitutes daughter Suddenly there is a murder and Josie is caught in the middle of it, torn on the decisions that she is making. This book has a lot of warnings because of some of the things mentioned in the book. I thought that this book had a really interesting plot and it made me want to keep reading it all the way through the book. Overall I would definitely recommend this book, it is really well written.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Crossed Toes
Slice of Life
February 3, 2015
Play with the child
Feed the child
Do the dishes
Clean the counters
put back the food
Clean her room
clean her bathroom
paint her nails
get her a drink
get her food
put away the drink
make the bed
answer the phone
February 3, 2015
Play with the child
Feed the child
Do the dishes
Clean the counters
put back the food
Clean her room
clean her bathroom
paint her nails
get her a drink
get her food
put away the drink
make the bed
answer the phone
Monday, February 2, 2015
Girls Acting Catty
January 30, 2015
This week I read the fiction book Girls Acting Catty written by Leslie Margolis. I have seen a few people read this book and not like it, however I wanted to see what I thought of the book. This book is about a girl named Annabelle who has dealt with the boys, but now she has to deal with the popular group at school, and nothing seems to be working. The book is about how she deals with the populars. I also did not really like this book, it was not very interesting, and I got bored quickly, however I think that if you have not read it, I would want to know your opinion on the book.
TBR: Out of the Easy, Impulse, The Wild Trees
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Crossed Toes
Slice of Life
January 28, 2015
The sun sets as our candles are lit. Songs are sung and tears slip down people's faces behind the darkness of the shadows. It is the end. What seems like a hundred candles glow and peoples faces are illuminated. We must leave what bounded us together, and the songs continue. The younger people have gone. The air from the songs make the flames dance, all together. The last song ends and the first few candles have gone out. We do not want it to end, but the flames disappear into the night sky. It is dark.
January 28, 2015
The sun sets as our candles are lit. Songs are sung and tears slip down people's faces behind the darkness of the shadows. It is the end. What seems like a hundred candles glow and peoples faces are illuminated. We must leave what bounded us together, and the songs continue. The younger people have gone. The air from the songs make the flames dance, all together. The last song ends and the first few candles have gone out. We do not want it to end, but the flames disappear into the night sky. It is dark.
Monday, January 26, 2015
January 26, 2015
100th post
This week I read Ripper, which is a fiction book written by Stefan Petrucha. This book is about a boy named Carter Young who lives in New York, where a serial killer has broken loose and has began to kill women just like Jack the Ripper. Carter is a foster child who starts to work on this case with an investigator, but it is carter that realizes the connection between the two serial killers, and must stop it before it is too late. I thought that this book was really well written and was an interesting twist on the mystery of Jack the Ripper. I also liked how this book kept me interested all the way through, and the beginning of the book really made me want to read more. Overall I would recommend this book, it was very good.
Next three books - Montmorency, The Martian, and Outliers
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Crossed toes
Slice of Life
January 21, 2015
An underwater ballet. The sun sets as we get into the boat. The boat ride was short and the view were incredible as the light faded. Finally we arrive to the spot where we are going to get into the water. It is almost black but the water is lit up by the other boats and groups already in the water. We get on out gear and we are finally in the water. It is cold, but that is the last things on our minds. The first ones we see glide by so gracefully it could not even be noticed. More and more come because of the plankton in the water. When they open there mouths the plankton floods in, it is so unique. Close to the end of our time we find one performing a underwater ballet. It glides and does constant vertical loops. It is known as the underwater ballet and it is done by the manta rays.
January 21, 2015
An underwater ballet. The sun sets as we get into the boat. The boat ride was short and the view were incredible as the light faded. Finally we arrive to the spot where we are going to get into the water. It is almost black but the water is lit up by the other boats and groups already in the water. We get on out gear and we are finally in the water. It is cold, but that is the last things on our minds. The first ones we see glide by so gracefully it could not even be noticed. More and more come because of the plankton in the water. When they open there mouths the plankton floods in, it is so unique. Close to the end of our time we find one performing a underwater ballet. It glides and does constant vertical loops. It is known as the underwater ballet and it is done by the manta rays.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Crossed Toes
The lines are long and it is beginning to get very hot, and we have not even 9:00am. ONce we finally get on the slopes it is all worth it. The icy chill of the snow, the light breeze, and racing down the slopes makes the time speed by. We stop for lunch, then go straight back to the snow. The sun starts to set and the powder is all gone, so we get all of out stuff together and leave, but it was a great skiing day.
The lines are long and it is beginning to get very hot, and we have not even 9:00am. ONce we finally get on the slopes it is all worth it. The icy chill of the snow, the light breeze, and racing down the slopes makes the time speed by. We stop for lunch, then go straight back to the snow. The sun starts to set and the powder is all gone, so we get all of out stuff together and leave, but it was a great skiing day.
Confessions of a private school murder
This week I read Confessions of a private school murder written by James Patterson. It is a fiction book about a girl named Tandy. After her parents and her brother's girlfriends death, she begins to start to solve the mystery of the death of a classmate, but has to figure out the mystery soon because she is the next victim. I thought that this book was really good, it was a little confusing in the beginning because it does not start in a totally clear spot, but overall I think this was a good book.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Crossed Toes
Slice of Life - Wanderlust
January 12, 2015
I stare at a world map. Eight countries and three continents. 188 countries and 4 continents left, not even counting everything that has not been explored yet and 96% of the world being ocean. A big dream, but if your dreams are not big enough, they are not worth it. I will do it. I will travel the world.
January 12, 2015
I stare at a world map. Eight countries and three continents. 188 countries and 4 continents left, not even counting everything that has not been explored yet and 96% of the world being ocean. A big dream, but if your dreams are not big enough, they are not worth it. I will do it. I will travel the world.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
If I stay
January 9, 2015
This week I read If I stay written by Gayle Forman. This book is about a girl named Mia who suddenly gets into a car accident with her parents and brother, who do not make it. For some reason she gets caught in a place between life and death, and she has to decide between staying and moving on with her parents and brother. This book was really good, it had a lot of detail and it was interesting all the way through. Also the plot got more interesting throughout the book. Overall I would definitely recommend this book.
This week I read If I stay written by Gayle Forman. This book is about a girl named Mia who suddenly gets into a car accident with her parents and brother, who do not make it. For some reason she gets caught in a place between life and death, and she has to decide between staying and moving on with her parents and brother. This book was really good, it had a lot of detail and it was interesting all the way through. Also the plot got more interesting throughout the book. Overall I would definitely recommend this book.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Crossed Toes
Slice of Life
December 5, 2014
A screech comes comes from the other line of the phone. I look over and I see struggle beyond compare and a person gasping for breath. More screams come and the issue is a broken fish filter. A cord from it has gotten stuck ing the wrong spot and no matter how hard she pulls, it will not come lose. More noises come that do not have a name. Another pair of hands comes into the situation and the cord has moved, but not much else has happened. The problem happened 45 minutes ago, and it is not out yet. Suddenly the pulling has caused the filter to come out along with some nasty stuff, but in everything the cord has been released and the filter is fixed. It took an hour, but everything is solve, other than the net that is too small for the large fish.
December 5, 2014
A screech comes comes from the other line of the phone. I look over and I see struggle beyond compare and a person gasping for breath. More screams come and the issue is a broken fish filter. A cord from it has gotten stuck ing the wrong spot and no matter how hard she pulls, it will not come lose. More noises come that do not have a name. Another pair of hands comes into the situation and the cord has moved, but not much else has happened. The problem happened 45 minutes ago, and it is not out yet. Suddenly the pulling has caused the filter to come out along with some nasty stuff, but in everything the cord has been released and the filter is fixed. It took an hour, but everything is solve, other than the net that is too small for the large fish.
The Host
December 5, 2014
Over break I read The Host written by Stephenie Meyer. This book is about a girl named Melanie Stryder who live on earth while it is being invaded by an enemies, that take over humans bodies. Melanie is taken over while trying to protect her family who is in hiding. While her body is occupied by another soul, Melanie fights it. This book is amazing, it is science fiction, but it is really believable and it is interesting throughout the whole book. Overall I would definitely recommend this book, it is really good.
Over break I read The Host written by Stephenie Meyer. This book is about a girl named Melanie Stryder who live on earth while it is being invaded by an enemies, that take over humans bodies. Melanie is taken over while trying to protect her family who is in hiding. While her body is occupied by another soul, Melanie fights it. This book is amazing, it is science fiction, but it is really believable and it is interesting throughout the whole book. Overall I would definitely recommend this book, it is really good.
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