Tuesday, March 24, 2015

25 March, Slice of Life Challenge - Crossed Toes

On many fall Logan School overnights it is expected to go camping. To a lot of people the sound of camping sounds awful. Carrying everything up and down hills, trying to take off shoes before going into the tent, tracking mud into the tent, trying to find stuff when it is pitch black, and much more. But we never realize that some people will never get the chance to experience camping and everything that comes along with it. There are so many memories made from camping. For example, spending time in a tent as the rain pours down, sitting around the campfire telling stories, playing games, and more, waking up to the sound of the whistling kettle letting everybody know that it will be a hot breakfast with warm drinks, and even more. Even though not everybody loves to camp, a lot of people do not get the chance to even try it, so looking at the positive side and enjoy every moment. 


  1. I like how you mentioned both the ups and the downs of camping and saw the subject from all viewpoints, nice work!

  2. Many of my students would love the chance to go camping - you are right! You did a nice job writing with details in this post - "tracking mud, hot breakfast with warm drinks."

  3. Many of my students would love the chance to go camping - you are right! You did a nice job writing with details in this post - "tracking mud, hot breakfast with warm drinks."

  4. How inspiring! I still hate camping.
