Monday, March 24, 2014

SOL 24/31 Max and Kam's Class

You may have noticed that a lot of my slices are about Julia Buendal. Well that is because there are so many memories that have happened between us. So many inside jokes, priceless moments and many more to come. Most people do not understand. I have known her since kindergarten and for seven and a half years we have spent an amazing time creating those special moments, including multiple recesses spent deeply discussing our favorite TV shows. There are also those little things that we do that kill the people around us but to us bring up so many memories. So yes a lot of my slices are about her and my times with her, but that is not going to change because there are so many more memories to come and they will keep coming forever.

1 comment:

  1. A good slice describing you and Julia's friendship! Nice work!
