Sunday, March 9, 2014

SOLSC 9/31 Max and Kam's Classroom

Colfax did not want to live. He started out a bright vibrant shade of red and purple, but by the time I got him he was black and gray and scary so we named him Colfax. He did not leave over a weekend without food, even though He was supposed to live for two weeks without food. But he did not want to live and that was the end of his life. Colfax was a fish.

R.I.P. Colfax


  1. Awww.. that's so sad in it's own way. One of my friends fish died because another one of my friends overfed it...

  2. Aw...that's sad, I guess you can't save an animal from death when an animal gives up on life.

  3. sad, your SOL's are so short! I want to hear more! You are a very good writer, nice work!

  4. Great little slice Haley. Sorry about your fish.
