Friday, March 7, 2014

SOLSC 7/31 Max and Kam's Classroom

It takes less than a half second to fire gun
and 1.45 seconds for the bullet to hit the target.
That is 1.75 seconds to kill somebody.

Sandy Hook- Newtown, CT: 27
Columbine high school- Columbine, CO: 13
Arapahoe high school- Arapahoe: 1
Morey Junior high- Denver, CO: 1

There have been about 376 school shootings in the U.S. since the earliest known school shooting in 1760. Some of them barely anybody heard about them, but they still happened.


  1. very interesting slice Haley, I think that it's good that you're acknowledging the many shootings that have happened even if most people haven't heard of all of them.

  2. It is nice of you to acknowledge these horrible events, and to look at the numbers involved with guns and bullets.

  3. School shootings are such a horrific event. It is so sad that there are some many people who have been in enough pain or altered frame of mind that they did this. The power of guns is scary indeed in the wrong hands. I wonder when we will find a solution that is better than what goes on right now?
